A few months back I came across Jesse Golden's Instagram while I was building my wellness account, following people that caught my eye, people who were inspiring and worked to create as well as share their healthy lifestyles. Jesse Golden is a dancer turned model, known for being one of the "bendiest" people as she has a deep yoga practice. I quickly found her page for her company, The Golden Secrets. A holistic, vegan, completely chemical free skin care + wellness line. While I have been working hard to weed out all the chemical ridden products that I incorporate in my daily life, I was instantly intrigued! Her products are not only brilliantly constructed but are also aesthetically pleasing. TGS offers different oils for body shaping to stimulating sensual desire, Jesse's own signature perfume blend, facial serum, to aura clearing mist. She even offers personalized blends through taking a questionnaire on your holistic history, Ayurvedic principles, and more. SO cool (get yours here).
Here's a few of the products that she sent me to try out and a few of my thoughts:
FIRST OF ALL, LOOK at this beautiful package and a handwritten note from Jesse herself. Each product is in its own golden pouch with its affirmation card.
This body oil is l o v e l y. It smells like heaven on earth and my absolute favorite part about it is that's its an oil but it remains light and soft on my skin. It doesn't feel heavy or thick. That's huge for me because how my skin feels (clammy, oily, whatever) means everything to me.
This oil is said to ignite your own organic sensual desires, "Boosting your confidence, balancing your hormones", packed with powerful plant botanicals that aid in encouraging cell regeneration. This oil does it all. The other best thing is that you can put it anywhere on your body, skin to hair and everything between. I love this product because it gives a nice glow and fragrance without being over bearing. It smells a little woodsy but a little sweet too. A perfect blend of feminine and masculine.
INTENTIONS: Something I absolutely love and Jesse does on all her products is she has intentions on the bottle. For the glow oil she has three words on it: DESIRE | NURTURE | GLOW. I have learned so much in the last year or so about setting intentions and I beilieve it is so important to do. To cultivate an understnading about why we do what we do, why we wear what we wear, why we say what we say. Its all about awareness, as well as knowing that theres no room in life for things that linger and do not serve us.
Intentions: APHRODISIAC | HARMONIZE | EMPOWER. Jesse creates products that are intended for YOU to feel good. I love that she took ancient folklore to create this special blend that literally works with your body's chemistry to cultivate an inticing scent for whoever puts it on. This blend instantly reminded me of a blend that I use when things feel chaotic and I need grounding and I instantly fell in love. Its a little sweet, a little citrus and well rounded with an earthy-woodsy smell. It smells like rejuvenation, like balance, grounding. Its so important to find the things that bring you back home, things that help you feel planted and warm.
This mist is to serve the same purpose of burning sage-- all the benefits without all the smoke. Brilliant. There's an old Yoga Sutra that TGS talks about on the description for this product. The concept is Pratipaksha Bhavanam, meaning when you're faced with negative things, take another view, reframe your perspective. This mist is meant to aid in this practice. A mode of clearing and redirecting your mind. It can be used like you would use burning sage, misting it into a specific area. Or you can spritz the face, a way of refreshing + stimulating the mind and skin. This mist creates a renewed space, a place to CLEANSE | CULTIVATE | OPTIMISM. Can also be used as a natural bug repellant or hand sanitizer.
MY THOUGHTS ON BURNING SAGE: While this is an old practice to rid evil spirits, I was conflicted at first because it seemed too hokey. How can THIS do THAT, ya know? Upon further research, it comes down to... INTENTION. While I don't think that burning sage ACTUALLY clears the negativity out of a space or a person, I do think that its ok to burn it and set intentions for what you need. Just like the catholic church burns incense or just like people light candles when someone passes. Whats your intention? That's what matters. I love the act of doing something intentional to signify moving into a new mindset or letting things go. I think its so health to make a statement to yourself by doing some sort of act like this. Do what feels appropriate for YOU.
My favorite part of Jesse's business and her foundation is the affirmation cards. I love that each product is unique, but it also has its own unique set of affirmations. I love the practice of speaking things into yourself because it can totally transform your mind and heart. We are more inclined to say life giving words to anyone else but ourselves. These cards create a space and a mindset for each time you use your product. Apply and began to speak to YOU. Letting using the products almost become a meditative process. Going back to having intentions with everything you incorporate in your daily life and routine.
"When we consistently practice positive daily rituals, every challenge becomes an opportunity." -The Golden Secrets
Jesse Golden's Social accounts:
Grateful for these beautiful products.
Thanks for being here with me.
X, Liv