20 self care practices to do instead of getting depressed this December.

After years and years of letting December kick me to the curb, this year I am stepping into my awareness and I am setting me, and maybe you, up for success. I always find myself around February isolating myself, saying no to friend gatherings, watching more movies, going outside less, all the things. Closing myself off because my lousy excuse of "I'm hibernating. Its OK, this is what people do." Then I wake up one day 8 pounds heavier, sad, lonely, and I feel like I get smacked upside the head with the cold hard truth that I am the reason for my problem! Just me. It always comes back to me. And it all starts around this time of year. 

In my classes lately, I have been talking so much about the pressures of December. This final breath of the year. The final crescendo! December demands a lot from us. There's weekend after weekend of plans, there's presents to be purchased, potlucks to cook for, and on top of all this, a house to be cleaned and all sorts of other typical life demands.  

What if you chose 5-30 minutes to practice some kind of *self-care* ritual that was a time designated to bring yourself back to you, to your heart space? Checking in with yourself. Slowing down the pace, and making sure that your home, your temple, was taken good care of. An opportunity to feel this time in your life, choosing to show up as yourself, and be OK with whatever that looks like. What if these moments of pause kept you accountable to remain with you. A constant check in to renew your mind, your body, and more importantly, your spirit. 

What a time of year to stay present. Here we go:

1. Write a list of 20 things that you are grateful for. Write it out and put it somewhere you will see it throughout your day or your week. 

2. Take yourself on a date. Over the years I have held onto a campaign that So Worth Loving (a Atlanta based company that cultivates self love) put out years ago and it's this: Enjoy your own company. It came out at a time in my life where I was spending lots of time alone and learning to be OK with it. Part of that process was taking myself on dates. Going somewhere I had never been, like a museum, and I would explore and be OK to be alone. (this one might take longer then 30 min ;))

3. Journal for 10-15 min. Sit down, leave your phone out of the room. Pen and paper. Whats coming up? Doesn't matter if its the smallest fleeting thought, pull it out of you. How are you feeling? What was something someone said to you and it didn't set well? Get it out. Write it out. 

4. Call someone you love. COMMUNITY. Reach out. Use your people. Use the time to simply catch up, about life or your day or share something on your heart.

5. Deep clean an area in your house that's been neglected. Set a timer, do what you can. Just work at it for the time set, and that's enough!

6. Meditate. You don't have to be a professional at meditating to do this. All it takes is you being intentional, closing your eyes, finding a quiet space. Sitting up nice and tall, full deep inhales, using your breath. Find a sensation in your body and focus on that. Or focus on your breath hitting your upper lip. Set yourself a timer out of the room for 10-15 minutes so you're not inclined to check time. 

7. Write someone you love a thank you note and tell them why you're grateful for them. Take a moment and tell someone what they mean to you. A practice of gratitude.

8. Manifesting bigger goals. Whats one thing that you want to work on or create or experience? Create something pretty that says that thing on it and post it somewhere you see everyday. 

9. Clear up blocked energy in the body. I recently read an article in Goop magazine about taping into your inner sex goddess through Tantric yoga, more specifically teacher Michaela Boehm. The article was so insightful and went in a much more informative direction than I thought. Something that Boehm instructs people to do is to get on all fours so people can move their torsos and heads in an undulating way. This is a way of resetting the nervous system and clearing up blocked energy. Think of it as an active meditation. Boehm has people do this for up to 90 minutes. So take your time, put some music on. Get in your body and out of your mind. 

10. Put your favorite dance music on and DANCE. If you're home alone or maybe if you're not! What do you need? Find space to move your body. Build a 10-15 min playlist with a couple of your favorite songs and close your eyes and shake ya booty. 

11. 2-3 yin postures. Create a 10-15 min playlist of soothing music. (If you need ideas reach out to me and I'll send you my favorite Yin playlist). Choose 2-3 yin postures and get into those spaces, hold for 3-5 minutes. 
Sample sequence: Pigeon R+L, melting heart and heart opening savasana. 

12. Take time to prepare a meal for YOU. Not for anyone else, just for you. Take your time, wash the vegetables, cut them up, think about where they came from. Curate an appreciation for having your hands on the food you put in your body. Make it an experience. Make something that you love and want. Make it look pretty. 

13. Set a budget, and buy yourself a beauty wellness product you've had your eye on. You can buy plenty of beauty wellness products for under $10. Get yourself that thing. Is it a mask? Is it a new lip balm? Get it for yourself and take a moment to indulge. Setting a budget is necessary. 

14. Go for a walk. Get outside, breathe the fresh air. That's all. 

15. Make/Do a face mask and kick your legs up on a wall. A moment. A breath. A time to check out. My favorite face mask recipe: Charcoal, French Green Clay, Lavender and Tea-tree oil. 
Lay on your back, one hand on the heart, one on the low belly, legs up on the wall. 

16. Create something for someone. Bake cookies for your husband. Paint a picture for someone. Draw something. Tap into something creative, for someone else. Make bulk and give it as Christmas gifts. 

17. Make a dream board on your Pinterest. This is one of my favorite things ever, I get SO inspired when I sit and create a board full of future things for my home, for babies, all the things. Set a time limit and dream on dreamer. 

18. TAKE A BATH. This is my favorite go-to self care ritual. I soak. For at least 10 min, hot hot water, Epsom or Himalayan salts, oils if you wish, light candles, get yourself something to drink, make a thing out of it. Settle in, take a notebook, or set up a movie on your phone. I do it all. This is a ritual practice, get in the tub! And if you wanna amp your game, get some exfoliating gloves and scrub the heck out of your skin. 

19. Research somewhere to volunteer your time in this season. Last year during this time I volunteered as a bell ringer for the Salvation Army. It was my first time in my adult life doing this. I stood outside on a windy snowy day for 2 hours in the freezing cold. Saying hello to the people of Walgreens and dancing around and freezing every part of my body. Donating time to raise money for so many families in need. There's more ways to give in this season that don't involve money! "To move forward, you have to give back." -Oprah Winfrey. Giving back is one of the greatest acts of taking care. 

20. Put things on your calendar that don't involve typical family holiday gatherings. Schedule a time to hang out with a friend. Go have a good time with a friend, set some boundaries for yourself and get out of the house! Connect with the people you love. Lean on your friends. They are there for you. 

Today is December 5th, which means 20 days until Christmas (eek!!). What if you challenged yourself to do one of these each day until then?

Step out to step in my friends. Act with awareness. Keep yourself accountable. Carve out times to reconnect with YOU. Take such good care. 


love u, 


Photo by Eli Lindauer



the Detox Ritual that will save you this February

