wearing your heart on your sleeve is the new black.

This week, I've been stepping into year three with this beautiful vessel that's really curated itself over the last two years. I also recently came across an old blog that I used to write on very consistently, and I guess you could just say I've been reflecting A LOT. Rekindling old feelings and remembering what it felt like-- that moment, and that moment, oh and that moment for sure. It's been a very interesting past month, but its been SO good and raw. And upon reflecting on one of the things I really wanted to incorporate in this website, I remembered that I wanted it to be a place that connected people, a place where you could read about the real things, the things that most people are uneasy sharing. A place where people could find out that what they feel is REAL but also matters, AND that more likely than not, there is someone that feels exactly what you feel. Someone who can relate to you right now, as you are, what you're struggling with, but also what you are celebrating victory in too. 

And for some time, this has just been a mecca of product reviews and ways to "de-stress" and reconnect with yourself through self care. But what about the HEART, what about the SOUL. I'm tired of telling you why you should buy this or that, I want to tell you about whats real and the root of the reasons that you and I neeeed the self care, the undivided pouring into ourselves. I think since becoming a yoga teacher, I have failed to keep journaling and documenting my heart space because I feel I am constantly with myself and processing. Which is so good, but what about a year from now when I feel certain ways that I do today and I have nothing to ground myself back down like "Hi livy, you've seen this before, you know its going to be OK and you are doing the best you can." Because that's where I have met myself over and over again in the last year as I return to these outlets of sharing whats in my heart. Unveiled. Full. As it is. 

So! This is an introduction to a new phase of this vessel and its called, 

Wearing your heart on your sleeve is the new Black. 

Wearing my heart on my sleeve has been one of my biggest "themes" in my life for a long time, but its resurfaced lately, and I challenge you to really sit with what it means. Pulling back the layers, all the crap that we hide under, and WHO ARE YOU. Do you like yourself? Can you love and support YOU? As you are? Can you represent what you've been through and endured and then show it to people?

As a part of this intro for this new phase, I want to give you a list of other bloggers and friends who are riding this wave with me (ok not hand in hand but I love them all deeply for sharing their stories and I want you to meet them).

In no particular order, here we go :

My sweet old friend, Natalie (or Natty if you wanna sound cool like me). Shes created an Instagram challenge to make the internet and social feeds REAL again. Shes passionate about connecting with people and getting to know their authentic selves. You can follow her at @nattt_daniels or search the hashtag #makeitREALagain on Instagram to read about it and join in. 

Miss (soon to be MRS.) Kayla Zilch. She runs an amazing and heartfelt blog on life and breaking out of the walls we build around ourselves through social media. She is an incredible writer that will make you feel and be moved and most importantly be challenged. She writes through the struggles in her heart and gives reaallly good perspective. Find Kayla's blog, To Be Truth here

Lauren Howell. I met Lauren at the restaurant I used to work at and connected with her right away. We connected on socials and a few months later she created a blog about her and her husbands infertility struggles. Shes recently created a movement called YANA (You Are Not Alone) where she gives other women who are struggling a place to voice their hurts and their victories. She is incredible. She speaks her truth and shes connecting with a whole realm of women who are struggling in this. Shes also celebrating the victory of being pregnant and is the cutest pregnant woman ever. Find her blog, Wild + Proper here

Melissa Kunst. I met Mel when she was dating (and is now married to) one of my dearest friends. She's SO sweet and ever since I've really known her, shes had a passion for fitness and pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Recently shes shared with me about the journey she's on with finding recovery with several things shes been dealing with in her body. Shes recently created a blog about her auto-immune disease that shes struggled with since she was 13. Shes so honest and vulnerable in her words and anyone struggling physically could relate to this. Find her blog here.  


Thank you for being here with me and for holding space for me always. I hope this makes sense and inspires you to step into who YOU are. Unapologetically you. What are the things that make you YOU. We are all humans just trying to do our best in the moments we're in. And I'm here to make sure you know that you aren't alone in your struggles or your fears or your heartaches. 

More to come, lets do this together, 
I love you so much, 
x liv


"the thing you are most scared to write. 
write that."
-Nayyirah Waheed


9 Rituals of Grounding you dont have to put on your insta story.


the Detox Ritual that will save you this February