Most of us are introduced to the Enneagram as of of the many personality tests that exist in the world. Often presented in a way that shows who you ARE and remain to be when this is in fact the very core of what the Enneagram is not.
The enneagram is our egos set of coping addictions that we have wrapped around our childhood wounds so we don’t have to tell ourselves who we really are.
Rather than something to over identify with— it’s a roadmap that shows our deepest motivations behind our actions, feelings, and thoughts and how to get out from under them. The 9 types are like the 9 mirrors of the Soul. Our unconscious tendencies create our dominant type, and our awareness of the unmet needs/desires of our childhood selves, is the medicine to the unique suffering we each carry deep within.
I love to teach the real and true language of the Enneagram to my clients in a way that makes sense, that offers a new truth and a new perspective on things you might have thought and felt your whole life. When we learn the language of our soul, we can offer the heaviest parts within space to breathe and a compassionate hand out of the shadow and into the light.
Learning the language, empowers us— giving us clarity of the things we unconsciously scour the earth to find.
Then we can offer our Soul what it’s always needed.
“One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life has been looking at who I am as a person along with what attributes of my personality are characteristics that have been handed down to me and which are my own. Engaging with Liv’s enneagram coaching has assisted in that journey by making the invisible every day habits we gloss over, visible. Her method is simple, concise, and allows you go as deep or broad as you’d like when it comes to self growth and awareness.
As a man, looking at and experiencing emotions is considered taboo in our society. Tapping into what’s really beneath the surface when it comes to everyday interactions is something I’m still learning about, mastering, and creating a constructive outcome with help from Liv’s observations and tools.
Enneagram has also been really enlightening for my Wife and I’s relationship. Even after 14 years of being high school sweethearts, we are still learning about each other and growing individually and as a team together. It’s a great platform to reacquaint yourself with those closest to you because you’re learning about the fundamental motivations that people live life with.”
“My experience with Liv in enneagram coaching has turned out to be transformational. I am meeting so many new parts of myself and exploring trauma responses that I didn’t even realize I had. It’s allowing me to show up more authentically and understand not just what I do, but why I do what I do. I’m able to catch myself when I see myself spiraling, and my relationship with myself feels so much stronger with more patience and grace since being able to explore enneagram with Liv.”
“When I first learned about Enneagram, I took an online test and was mistyped – it wasn’t until I had a session with Olivia Monte, 2 years later, that my world and broke open. Everything started to become transparent and I finally felt known for the first time in my life. Liv made the experience so much more simple and clear than taking an online test. She is intuitive and nurturing as she guides you through the path to deeply learning about your own essence. It is a beautiful and eye-opening experience that leads you home to your heart.”
All Enneagram Sessions are booked through the Space Yoga and Wellness Studio in Brighton Mi.
Click the above link to reach out regarding any questions!