bye black on black : pt 2

Some of you may remember around a year ago (June 6th to be exact) I wrote a post about swearing off purchasing black clothing in efforts of letting it go as a part of my identity. (If you missed this entry, you can read it here.) What I had come to feel in my life was that I would hide underneath my *signature* layers of black on black clothing. While I was trying to step out of a funk, I realized that I wanted my clothing choice to be a representation of my soul. I was ready to wear clothes that reflected what my heart desired to feel and look like. 

While I never swore off wearing black, I did vow to not purchase any new black daily options. I am happy to tell you that the only black clothing item I purchased in the last year was a pair of new work pants for my serving job (bc honestly the other ones were trashed). But thats IT! I didn't purchase a single new pair of go-to leggings ( and oh my gosh you should see my go to pair right now-- HOLY HOLES). Not a single LBD, no new long sweaters I can layer with, I was even apprehensive to buy black shoes! Nada, zip, zilch. 

The further I got into the year, I noticed that when not having the option to buy black, I was more likely to try things on that weren't necessarily "me". Things with different colors or patterns. And then I began to notice that although I still had the option to wear black clothing, I didn't really want to. Almost as if wearing black had become heavy and inauthentic. Something in my head and heart had shifted, allowing me freedom to feel good about myself in clothes that weren't black and could hide my body. 

This is real life. We often dress to feel most comfortable in our skin, but when you cross the line of "I only LOOK good in these clothes" vs "I FEEL good in these clothes", we allow ourselves to get wrapped within an expectation we set within ourselves. An expectation usually drawn from what we see and think is the way to live! 

My goal from here on out is to keep shedding the things that I think I need to be ME. When we let go of the layers of input from the world, we can step into our power of being unique and free. Even in our clothing choices. 


I HIGHLY recommed sifting through the things within your life that you identify with and let something go. Become a little lighter, and be free from what you think you need to be you. 


love u 

X liv

TOP / photo of my closet one year agoBOTTOM / photo of my closet this week

TOP / photo of my closet one year ago
BOTTOM / photo of my closet this week


detox ritual : the tub


OSEA: earth derived