ways to cleanse your space with things you have

On my quest the other day to find some sort of anti-bacterial anything for my home, I reeled myself back in when I was unable to find much. It challenged me to look at what I already possessed and utilize some more natural approaches to cleansing my home. The beauty of these practices are that you most likely have what you need already in your home!

Heres 6 things to do to cleanse your space that don’t require lysol.

1. water+ thieves room/body/everything spray

And if you don’t have Thieves oils, or any of the off brand (on guard, natures shield, etc) you can mix up you’re own using :

  • 40 drops clove bud essential oil.

  • 35 drops lemon essential.

  • 20 drops cinnamon bark essential oil.

  • 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil.

  • 10 drops rosemary essential oil.

    Make a smaller batch and adjust drop ratio if needed!

Mix 15-20 drops of oil to 4 oz water and let it be your room spray. I spray our linens, couch, body. Spritz and inhale. Take it with you as you go in your car, to your bed, etc.

The potential benefits of thieves oil include boosting the immune system, promoting respiratory health, and fighting microbes. Although some of these benefits are anecdotal, the individual components of thieves oil have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, promote wound healing, and may provide pain relief. - HealthLine.com

2. make your own sanitizer

Its likely you have the two items you need to make sanitizer! Check the back of your bathroom cabinets. If you’ve been doing the 40 in 40 challenge with us, you probably have recently pulled these things out!

DIY Hand Sanitizer:

2/3 cup rubbing alcohol of at least 70% (this is the lowest recommended!) alcohol concentration.

1/3 cup Aloe Vera

Mix well and fill dispenser of choice.

3. burn shit

Got palo? Got sage? Both of these are ancient cleansing methods for a reason.

Simply put, sage clears bacteria in the air. Sage smoke offers rapid delivery to the brain and efficient absorption to the body. Scientists have observed that sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. - Vogue.com

Get palo or sage to light fire and begin to smolder. blow out and move around rooms to purify air.

(p.s. if you don’t have these on hand, we sell both at The Space.)

4. make your own sanitizing wipes

Get a tupperware container or sandwich bag, paper towels, 2 cups warm water, 1 cup alcohol at least 70% concentration, thieves essential oil, or any other purifying oil (lemon +lavender is a good mix), 1 tablespoon dish soap.

Mix all wet ingredients, break paper towels apart and fold in half to fit in container or baggy, soak paper towels in solution and use as needed.

5. baking soda on rugs/carpets/furniture

I do this often because having big dog and a baby rolling all over the same floors gives me anxiety!

Lightly sprinkle (I like to use a mesh strainer to sift through!) baking soda on rugs and carpets, leave on as long as you can (at least an hour or 2) to let its have time to absorb germs, bacteria, smells, etc. by oxidizing the surface. vacuum when done.

6. move your house plants to the place you spend most your time

Plants literally clean the air. They provide cleaner oxygen! Get all your plants to the room in your house you spend most your time and let them do their work.

7. turn your phone OFF

Yes. Get off FB, stop watching the news. (Im talking to myself here too!!!) Take a walk around your own yard or sit outside in the sun today if your paranoid of going in public. Set some boundaries for yourself, how much you’re ingesting by reading. Cleanse your mind by taking a break from all the fear, the worry, the anxiety our society is creating and do your best to take care of you, your body, you home.


3 things to do to feel what you feel instead becoming an a-hole


Minimal Home