10 takeaways of 2022
I have started a tradition in recent years where instead of writing a lonnnnnngggg list of new years resolutions, I write a list of year end revelations. I love this practice so much because it shifts me from looking forward away from the journey, and puts me right back into it. I find gratitude in places I have already forgotten and I get to rest in the beautiful and hard moments that led me to here.
I do believe that we are our greatest teachers, when we allow ourselves to slow and see. All the wisdom we need is in the story that has led us to this moment.
Let’s begin.
We never fully get to choose what happens in life, BUT we do have the choice to remain o p e n.
Timing is not our own, resting in trusting the process is the greatest give we can offer ourselves. When we seek to control the timeline of something, its only an illusion that offers the same— an ILLUSION that we are in control. What we can control is our ability to soften into the waiting. (and yes its not easy.)
Rest, real rest, is absolutely essential for growth. (Ask any woman growing a baby, and apply all.)
To go forward, we must first always go INWARD.
Slow and steady, micro commitments create the most sustainable, results. We must think in mircro-shifts.
My greatest tool to influence and change the foundations within, to rewire my brain, to change my SOUL-ular DNA— is my OWN VOICE. MY own validation, reassurance, my own attention. Focus my voice to the deepest parts of myself that are looking for someone to say the thing. And I whisper it to her. We are our greatest teachers, advocates and guides. We have the power to deliver the message to the need of our youngest. most hurting selves.
Feeling my feelings is not the same as engaging/becoming paralyzed by my anxiety. The are separate experiences, experienced in two separate places of my body. Heart and Mind.
We don’t event understand how to ask for the blessings to come. It will always be more magical and better fit for us. The things that are on the way that are designed for us.
Deconstruction is ESSENTIAL for construction. It often gets worse before it gets better. Shit might need to fly in order to GROW.
You will never be able to fully hold for others what you are unable to hold within yourself.
What a year of joy, pain, and growth.
Revelations are tools that we get to tuck in the pockets of our beings to call upon when we have to eb and flow with life. One thing I do love to do when I step into a new year is pick an intention word.
This year my word is STEADY. (More on this to come.)
If you carry one thing with you into this new year, may you never forget that you are your greatest teacher. Expand your heart, tune in with your ears, open your eyes. Step in.
HNY! blessings to all.