movement is free
About a month ago, Free People Movement launched a new campaign that was titled "Movement is Free" and is has resonated with me since. The simplicity of the phrase is what captivates me because its SO real. To physically move, is absolutely FREE, it costs us nothing, and it can be one of the most fulfilling things we do in our days. We live in sedentary lives, where we sit most of the time. Our lives are FULL of convenience, which yes can be nice, but how pathetic is it that I adjust my thermostat from my phone while I lay in my bed. We owe it to ourselves to move, to be active, it keeps us young and prime. Moving literally keeps us mobile as we age. Taking just a 10 min walk everyday can change your mood and lifestyle, it'll leave you craving more too.
what can you do today to MOVE?
I challenge you to go out of your way to move today, because its FREE. And if you're able, its a gift. All you need to get moving is YOU.
i love you,
ps, if you need ideas or a plan for movement, I CAN HELP YOU.