With LUSH Cosmetics being the most heavenly scented store, of course you can find me there scoping out the best products that I can incorporate in my daily routine. From their classically amazing bath bombs to their au naturale facial masks to their sugar lip scrubs, there is something for everyone. 

This post will walk you through a few of my MUST HAVE's.



One of my favorite quotes is by Isak Dinesen, he said "The cure for anything is saltwater; sweat, tears or the sea". This had to of been considered when the genius who came up with the recipe for the ocean salt scrub was at work! This is my absolute favorite product from the company because I can use it in the AM or PM when I wash my face, in the shower as a full body treatment or as a post hand wash regimen to leave my hands soft and supple. This is a cure all, I swear. It is vodka infused scrub that invigorates as it repairs.
This is the must have of the must haves. 




Rose jam is a special edition shower gel, that if you can, GET YOUR HANDS ON IT. I was only able to get it because I purchased a gift box (for myself YES, I give you permission ladies) that had it in it. It smells like Ohara roses, with delicious lemon and vanilla notes in there too. It feels like a gelatin on your hand and leaves your skin smelling like a bed of flowers and silky smooth. 







"All-purpose balm for all your bits". Perfect. A balm mixture of jojoba seed oil, flower wax and a few other simple ingredients. Its vegan, and can be used literally anywhere, for all your "bits". Cracked lips or knuckles, you choose, it feels light and soothing on either! Keep this mini canister in your pocket or purse as its small and convenient! 




Last but not least! One of my new found favs! This body conditioner. It acts like a hair conditioner, you apply it and rinse, leaving skin smelling like roses. This pairs as a perfect step two to the Rose Jam. It has cocoa butter, argan oil and cupuacu butter making this exotic AND a Michigan winter Godsend. 





I highly recommend this company because they have incredible morals as far as animal rights, recycling, fair trade, and helping our world become a better more holistic place. Also, things are made SO fresh from the company; every product has a cartoon photo of the person who handmade it, their name, the date it was created, and the expiration date. 

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my LUSH picks!

X liv


fit mind


fermented healing